Cultivating Spirit, Feeding Soul
(Mercury, the Galactic Center, and the Great Conjunction)
We stand on a precipice. Some of us on an ærie, ready for flight, others on the edge, negotiating with dark thoughts. Seen through the eyes of Mercury who just had his cazmi moment with the Sun near the Galactic Center, ancient memories are bursting forth like a conversation with Poimandres; Through the eyes of Jupiter and Saturn, who make their “Great Conjunction” tomorrow, they are nearly seeing eye to eye-as close as father and son can-and are eager to cast this prayer into the Air. It is a poetic conclusion to 2020, yet the work has only just begun.
The three share more than a bloodline, they also seem to have an inclination for triangles. With Mercury, he likes to draw them with his retrogrades. There is an elemental pattern he creates which travels the elements clockwise around the zodiac-from FIre to Water to Air to Earth. We are leaving Water behind, heading for Air come February. Gary Caton calls this an Elemental Year. With Jupiter and Saturn, they too trace triangles in Triplicities, but in much longer swathes of time. Where Mercury does it in just over a year, Jupiter/Saturn do so over two centuries. Tomorrow, they officially begin a stretch of Air conjunctions which will last until long after we have gone. Why does this matter? What is the point? Well, we are dealing with divine timekeepers, and being they are both shifting into Air around the same time, it begs our attention a bit. We should tune our ears to their messages.
Air, it’s all around us, but we never see it. When we move fast enough, we feel it, yet we take it for granted until we can’t get it. Nearly everything travels through it, and still, we take it for granted by polluting it even more. Related to communication, ideas, and what the swords point at in the Tarot, it is vital we get clear about what this shift means for us. Marsilio Ficino talked about Air in regards to music. He felt music to be one of the greatest foods for the Soul. With knowledge of the Music of the Spheres and how to hear this when looking at a chart, one could theoretically create the perfect music for someone, and help enliven their Spirit. Music as medicine in other words. This is how he worked with it.
Music, language, stories, they all feed the Soul and assist in cultivating Spirit. One of the easiest and most profound ways we can enter this airy triplicity then is by beautifying our speech, telling great stories, and, of course, playing and making and dancing to music. Play it, tell it, write it out. Let’s invite the old bards back into our circle. Pick up that dusty instrument in the corner. Sing! Find your voice.
If you can walk, you can dance
If you can talk, you can sing
-an old African proverb
This is how we change the world. With better stories, inspired music, and the language of birds.
* If you would like to listen to my Podcast on the Great Conjunction, you can do so HERE:
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