We are on the verge of an epiphany.
In just three days it will happen, and when it does Mars will finally solidify his position in Taurus and Neptune will create a bending with the Great Dragon. In other words, this Wednesday (Jan 6th) is the most eventful day in 2021 thus far.
An insightful sage once said, “The only question worth asking is: What are we unwilling to feel?” Within this inquiry is the key to our awakening. It’s also what helps reveal the universal, inevitable moment for all of us, which is that priceless moment when we realize we too are God incarnate, just like Christ. But if we are unwilling to feel something, if we can’t swim out past the buoys, where the shark fins circle and the tide gets questionable, where one man may be drowning and another is whistling on the back of a dolphin, then we are doomed in the shallows. We must be willing to go deep. It’s where these feelings reside. It’s also a way of describing Neptune square the Nodes of the Moon.
Our ancestors called this a bending. When a planet squares the Nodes we are distracted by shortcuts and promises of a way out of a story. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. So, what we must do is turn our gaze to the periphery where Neptune swims, where dangerous mermaids beckon and point the helm in that direction. We may get wrecked, yet there is no better way of learning. For epiphany, we take chances. Now, I’m not saying to be delusional, but I am nudging you to take a leap into something that calls you, that might be something you are unwilling to feel.
And when it comes to Mars, we may find ourselves weighed down, challenged with momentum, and with horseshoes made of wet clay. When Mars is in Taurus, he’s said to be in detriment. Not to see this as a bad placement, but in a Venus-ruled sign, so his attention may be taken by spells of the sensuous, with important battles being ignored. It is a welcomed ingress though, being he has been in Aries since July, spun us around with his retrograde, pissing a bunch of people off along the way. This shift will be celebrated by many. And, it all happens on the day Christians will be celebrating the theophany of their savior, the day he was presented to those 3 Magi guided by the Star of Bethlehem (or the Great Conjunction ?).
What are we unwilling to feel?
What is pending in our plans?
What needs to happen for our own theophany to occur.
These are the questions we need to be asking as we float towards a Wednesday epiphany. For now, we rest. It’s still 2020 recovery mode.
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