.: Hidden in Plain Sight :.
On Mercury retrograde
It is our destiny to be a link in the eternal chain of good ideas. To receive “secret” teachings, handle them with care, put our own spin on them, and pass them along to the next eager sapling. This is our work. it is our job to stand open until the ancient teachings envelop us, then, hopefully, we can stay open even after that. This is tricky. And once all the right hermetic ideas get into us, we can see how all the secrets are actually hidden in plain sight.
Take Mercury Retrograde for example. When we first hear of it, usually it comes from a fluffy acquaintance who always seems to be blaming all their problems on this tiny planet apparently moving backward; The next step is our noticing of the phenomena on our own, but we remain mostly in denial; If the denial ever wears off, we begin watching for it every few months, and if we are smart, we take remedial measures beforehand. The next couple of steps are the rarest ones.
Every once in a great while, someone will be so taken by this trickster it actually leads them into the realm of Astrology where they begin to study. They realize that their thoughts about Mercury retrogrades are mirrored by most of the community. They find their tribe. Now, the final step, the one that usually invites in the true name-calling, is when you begin to converse with Mercury and realize he’s real-more real than a planet even. You begin to see and hear and feel him everywhere when he’s close and in Rx motion. Then, you begin to understand something absolutely critical: Our ancestors weren’t confused. They built their entire cosmos around these gods. They invited them in, where we have kicked them out. It’s time we re-verse the narrative. Crazy times call for crazy solutions. It’s time to re-kindle our relationship with the gods.
As you are probably well aware, Mercury is currently retrograde. Playing with ideas in the evening sky in Gemini fashion, trying to impress the Goddess with his clever tongue (Venus just a caduceus away), he’s about to disappear once again. It’s in this stage of the journey where we come across a clarity on something in the most peculiar of ways. Usually, it occurs through a hermetic intervention of sorts. And just after our satori moment on the side of the road, with a flat tire and no cell signal, a sacred space opens for a series of new ideas to flood in. It’s in this liminal zone between the stationary retrograde moment and the cazimi (conjunction with Sun) when the next journey begins. It’s in this period we should get claimed by a new idea. And it’s our job to allow that idea to bring us through the entire alchemical process. When it has, we remember our destiny: …to be a link in the eternal chain of good ideas.
Where to look for these ideas? Again, they are hidden in plain sight. They are under your nose. They are even in your lungs and hands and coded beautifully in your dreams. We just need the right language to bring them to life. This is the work.
Hermes speed to you all!
Enjoy the tricks
They are folded notes passed under desks of time
….to support the creation of my writings/podcasts and be showered with gifts as well
…to adventure deeper into kosmos, mythos, and psyche