Homo Illuminatus

Adam Sommer
3 min readAug 11, 2021

On Jupiter opposite Mercury and his exaltation

Art by Luminokaya

Imagine, a few tens of thousands of years ago, there were different species of humans competing to control the planet. Homo sapiens came out of Africa but found that some of the other continents were already inhabited by their cousins. Europe and parts of western Asia were home to the Neandertals. And now we are beginning to understand that eastern Asia too housed a distinct population, the Denisovans (dragon man). It’s clear then there was some love between them as well because they all appear in our own DNA sequence. Now imagine, a few tens of thousands of years later, there was a single species competing to control the planet. Still called Homo sapiens, yet with each error and mutation of DNA, continually changing into something else entirely. Some would call our next step Homo Illuminatus: a species that fully remembers what is going on here, who becomes enraptured with light, deeply curious about the loving part of the equation.

Such big ideas are readily available for us to contemplate when Mercury and Jupiter align. Today, they are opposed to one another. Jupiter, retracing some recent steps in Aquarius, revisiting his notes for the revolution (Rx); Mercury still flying fast through the rays of the Sun, eager to engage in his favorite Virgo activities starting later today, like refilling the ink well or going through all those notes to organize some thoughts. The polarity of the two is much more nuanced than the tension between knowledge and wisdom, and oftentimes can simply be seen as an epiphany waiting to be had.-a little hole to heaven stirring in the ethers.

Within the current zeitgeist, it’s a challenging practice to remain close to the center of the two. There is so much blinking and blaring from each extreme. Polarities both pull us away from the center and create a center, that place from which we commonly find our awe and inspiration. And if we aren’t inspired, we just may be expired. Caution then to goes to all extremes.

We can only speculate on what our ancient ancestors talked about, yet they did leave ample evidence for us to contemplate. What were the pyramids actually used for? How did they do it? Why are so many under the ocean? How come so few seem to take megalithic sites seriously? Are they keys to our place in the Universe? And what about all the symbols? What do they open up? Big ideas. Essential contemplations. An eavesdrop into a dialogue between Mercury and Jupiter.

It is clear to many, that synchronicity is the connective tissue of the cosmos, perhaps the main mechanism of evolution itself. For anyone who has experienced a synchronicity storm-or at least a strong breeze-in their lives, they can attest that it lead them out of an old story, into an exciting new one. And every time this happens, there is a leap towards the Truth which occurs. The more it happens, the more we seem to ‘evolve.’ If it was happening the whole world over, how much closer would we be to this version of ourselves being called Homo Illuminatus.

Just an idea. A gift from the current lords of Rahu and Ketu. An aspect that is secretly helping us find our center, again.

Track them down in your chart. Embrace their magical thinking.






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Adam Sommer

Dedicated to Kosmos, Mythos, and Psyche. “Great stories are worthy of constellations.” Substack: https://kosmognosis.substack.com/