Moon Buddha
On the Scorpio Full Moon
Just before millions of Buddhists prepare for this year’s Vesak (celebration of the Buddha’s birth, samadhi, and death on May 26th), our awareness is nudged sky high towards the growing Moon to remember something we may have forgotten. Something only a Scorpio Full Moon can illuminate in the best of uncomfortable ways. A reminder that life is suffering, yet it is impermanent. An insight into the liberating nature of emptiness, offering sanctuary within, not anywhere else.
I’ve always found it fascinating that Vesak, for many Buddhists, falls under the year’s Scorpio Full Moon (not the case this year, it will be in tropical Sag, but Sidereal Scorpio). It shows us a clue into the potential expression of the “fallen” Scorpio Moon. It also offers an opportunity to visit a long-lost corridor within ourselves where we may discover a missing piece to our puzzle. Likely, it will relate to desire. As the Buddha taught: All suffering is rooted in our desires.
We can learn something profound about the Moon by constellating these ideas. The Moon is a mirror. It is silver and true and wrought with illusions. Some call him Soma, others a huntress like Artemis. The Moon is always changing. Just as we are. Phasing in and out of desires, attachments, stories, memories. and, of course, all those feelings. This is Moon business. And under this Scorpio variant, we may want to ask permission to see a little deeper and be granted the courage to extract some of the dark from our underneath. It won’t be too much to ask if we praise her kindly beforehand.
Naturally, meditation is a suggestion of how to spend our time around this Moon. The Buddha was in lotus under the Bodhi Tree for his awakening, the least we can do is pretend to be for ten in the morning, or before we go off to dream. Meditation is the only way to see clearly into the mirror of the Moon. Usually, when we first look, it’s impossible to see clearly. Whether there be cracks or smoke or gunk on the mirror, the longer we sit, the more chances we get to polish it. Just a suggestion for this Buddha Moon (technically again, not Vesak).
This Moon does square Saturn and opposes Uranus as well. The crisis around Saturn is establishing that new routine; the tension with Uranus is our desire to awaken too soon. Just as in the wild, we all will have our time to blossom. Enjoy the process. Sit. Be radiant. Be content. And most importantly, be kind.
Praise all those Moon Buddhas throughout time!
Happy Moon to you all
4.27.2021; 4:32 am BST; 7º06' Scorpio
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