.: Moon Chameleons :.
The Moon has slipped into darkness.
Each month she does it. When the current cycle prepares a bath, the other is just putting on its shoes. A few days of darkness. No Moon, yet the stars and the wanderers have no competition. Mars continues to burst throughout the night, making way for his eternal lover, Venus, to grace the day before the Sun. The dark moon is a reunion. Shiva and Shakti spin amorously once again; she is infused once more with private solar light; faint visions of what comes next struggle with old stories for our attention. This is where we are at. It’s Libra New Moon territory.
Both Kahlil Gibran and Mark Twain were both taught something identical by our silvery satellite. Twain said ‘we are the moon’ and Gibran likened us to it. They both observed we all have a side we don’t show anybody, just like the moon. Even when full, we only see one side of the Moon. So, what is really on the other side? With the actual Moon, we can speculate, but in our lunar experience, there is no need. It’s playing out in our heads all day long, even while we sleep, we are dreaming through the Moon. She is our Dreamweaver.
Psychologically speaking, it is clear how this could relate to working with the shadow. For everything we can see about ourselves, identify with, and discover through the stories we tell, there is the opposite. We see ourselves as left, our shadow is on the right. We think of ourselves as spiritual, our shadow is clearly cast on those who we judge not to be. For every Libra, if you dig deep enough, you will discover Aries DNA. Coincidentia Oppositorum . We are both. We are neither. We are not the Moon, yet we experience our lives through it.
The Chandra Symbol for this lunation cycle is:
24º Libra (Oct. 16. 2020; 8:31 pm UK time)
A chameleon with moving pictures on its back
…let’s explore this in libran fashion, from both sides. Through the one swiveling eye of this surreal reptile, we can see the value in being a chameleon. Always blending in, being able to act in any situation, proud in those shape-shifting qualities. It allows for better survival and less conflict. Yet, if we are always shifting to our surroundings, we never stand out. Which leads to the other roaming eye, which sees the weakness. If we identify too much with being a chameleon, who are we? What do we truly stand for? Because if we stand uncertain, we will fall for anything.
And so the scales rock back n’ forth for eternity…
These types of symbol systems are helpful in that they provide us a clear image to work with. We need images. Some would argue we have lost contact with good images. The media monster provides us sloppy surrogates. And so, watch the chameleon closely. There are moving images on his back. I guarantee there is one for you. It will speak directly to your heart. You won’t even have to think about it.
True healing lies in the power of metaphor.
New Moon blessings into tomorrow. May you find the perfect image between extremes.
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