Odd Luminescence
…On the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
5 May 2023, 15:14:11 UTC; 14º58' Scorpio
I’ve noticed an abnormal amount of fear swarming about the upcoming eclipse. Compared to say the Great American Eclipse back in 2017, the trepidation is literally night and day. It’s not because it’s a total one; it’s not because it’s a super or red or rarest of rare one either, it’s likely because it’s in Scorpio. Fun fact: This is the same Full Moon the Buddha was born under, reached samadhi under, and died under as well. The celebration is called Vesak.
The Buddha once taught during the totality of an eclipse (pure speculation here), “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Until the Moon runs out of gas during the precise moment of an eclipse and forever travels from that position, eclipses are transitory phenomena, yet their effects can ripple throughout our lives. One way of seeing them is as revealers of the Truth. There is no honest person who can say with a straight face that the miraculous sizes and positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon don’t have some divine tinkering behind them. In the same way, if you’ve paid attention to eclipses in an astrological sense, it would be dishonest to say that you haven’t seen how the dragon’s revenge on the lights hasn’t brought twists and turns in your life. Though it is true, some folks do seem to be more sensitive to them than others.
In David Ovason’s, THE BOOK OF THE ECLIPSE, he writes about this, observing that it seems creative types seem more vulnerable to their ‘troubling’ influences. He calls it being moonstruck. I cannot confirm nor deny this, but from my own experiences, eclipses have always been one of the most reliable times of the year for trend shifts-both in myself and in the world ‘out there.’ Most cultures revered and feared them for a reason; they knew a portal was opening, that a battle in heaven was taking place, and that the best way to navigate the energies was to pray and do your practice. There are many outlandish examples of mitigating eclipses, like surrogate kings and underwater cover, but they are mostly speculations. To work with an eclipse with success is to know where it’s happening in your chart, and ready yourself for the contortions and narrative surprises to come. It’s an embrace of dragon wisdom.
Whether you will be witness to this one or not doesn’t matter (see path HERE). But including the South Node (Ketu) in your considerations is important. When eclipses occur near the tail, these are those rare openings when we can make extraordinary edits to our behavioral schema. We can finally release that person we’ve been holding onto. We can adopt a healthier habit, replacing the demonic one that was killing us. And to know that this one is also adorned with millions of flowers, good incense, and prayers from Buddhists under the eclipse warms my heart.
(What. Would. Buddha. Do)
…I think he would sit. He may tell a story or crack a joke. One thing I can say for sure is he wouldn’t be fearing it.
*find 14º58' Scorpio in your chart. That’s where it’s happening.
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art: by Midjourney