.: Pan. Panic. Panacea :.
If you have been paying attention to the sky recently, you are aware of a few things: Mercury is retrograde; Venus is an adorable orb in the evening sky and was recently being caressed by the Moon, and the “Boneyard” (that is all those planets in Capricorn) are still grinding out strong prayers, calling in the ancient ones to help us release and remember. It’s been deep for many, scary for some, and hardly uneventful for most. One of the most eventful manifestations thus far would have to be COVID-19 “Coronavirus.”
The whole story with the virus began in Eclipse season around the end of 2019. The space around Eclipses reliably changes our stories. This would be no exception to the rule. Then, it began to spread swiftly around the Pluto/Saturn conjunction on Jan 12th. Fear began to spread as well, along with panic and a touch of fake news. These two words-’panic’ and ‘fake news’-are strongly tethered to a couple outer planets: Pluto and Neptune.
Pluto began causing ‘panic’ with his ingress into Capricorn in 2008 with the economic collapse. We’ve gotten used to him by now, but throw in Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and a Dragon and we are promised more panic and pandemonium. Another collapse is imminent, some would say.
Neptune is the ‘fake news’ portion. The term has been popularized and put into practice since Neptune moved into Pisces in 2012. It’s hard to know who or what to trust these days with sneaky AI and algorithms working against our ability to have a unique thought. Throw in Mercury, who is close to us and in Pisces at the moment, and you begin to understand the collective overwhelm happening: To buy a mask or not; To stock up on food and supplies, or not; To buy into the fear, or not. Is it all a wild conspiracy???
The word panic has its roots in Pan. If you weren’t aware, you never ever wake Pan from his slumber, or else…The screams! Oh, that sound! It’s enough to make the whole would panic in hearing it echo through the ethers. An effect that’s all-encompassing. Like a ‘pandemic’-an all-encompassing epidemic. Or ‘Pangea’-encompassing all continents into one; And ‘panacea’-the all-encompassing cure. These ideas have genes from Pan, that virile mythic being who saved the world more than once, and also transformed himself while fleeing Typhon into the sea-goat we know so well today: Capricorn.
I don’t think a panacea exists. But if it did, it would be a close cousin to the phrase I enjoy spreading like a viral meme: We don’t know enough to worry. Should we be worried? Maybe enough to start washing our hands and to cease making out with strangers. Should we be gargling bleach or showing up to work in a hazmat suit? Probably not. We are going to have to see how this all pans out as Mars gets closer and closer to the seance that is being held with the Old Ones in late Capricorn.
Don’t panic! It’s not helpful for anyone or anything.
Remedy suggestions?
Pan flutes and hand-pans on Pandora. Pancakes in well-oiled pans. And of course pandas. Lots of pandas.
Stay clean and keep those spirits high,
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