.: If this isn’t nice…:.
Pluto: For some, he’s just an icy TNO at the edge of ‘our’ system, for others Pluto is still a planet. For those paying close attention, tracking his movements, surviving his trials with dignity and grace, know he’s all of the above and then some. Today, Pluto stations direct.
Since April 25th, the conductor of the Boneyard Orchestra has been retrograde, turned inwards, revisiting old scores, seeing how they sound through the halls of time. There are the patriotic ones which sulk and tremble across the battlefields of the American Revolution; The sick and confused war songs of the Aztecs fighting armored ‘gods’ on horseback; And of course, the victory ballads being played by Renaissance magicians with the promise of the archaic revival of the hermetic world. These were the last two eras of Pluto in Capricorn (1762–1778 and 1516–1532) John Dee, the Elizabethan wizard, who was born with Pluto in Capricorn, wrote ‘General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of Navigation,’ which advocated British imperial expansion. Having been given claim to all land north of the 30th parallel, what would the New World have looked like if infused with his vision and hermetic thought? One wonders…
The point is when Pluto is in Capricorn, the old guard is overwhelmed by the spirits of today. A torrent of liberating ideas rip through the collective, making room for what comes next: Aquarius. A tilling of the collective soil, if you will. A dark night, followed by a shaky dawn. A promise of a better world, one we can only pray we get to see in our lifetimes. Yet, we always have the choice to see it in this present moment. Which, in the end, is the greatest present of them all. Choice. Now. A better world.
Kurt Vonnegut (a Scorpio, ruled by Pluto) would often talk of a friend of his, who would say in those rare moments when everything is calm and simple, “If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is….” Pluto just stationed direct: Isn’t this nice? You are healthy enough to read this: Isn’t that nice? You are loved: How nice? We are experiencing history and the Red King has COVID: nice?
*Reflect on the past five months or so. Try to see it through the eyes of Pluto. What has been reviewed? Where have you changed? How will you implement his teachings and expand into your own kind of New World? He’s at 22º Capricorn.
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