Speaking Statues

Adam Sommer
3 min readMay 25, 2023


On Mars squaring the Nodes

Art by Lissy Elle Laricchia

There’s an old idea — or better yet, a tradition — that relates to creating images (statues often) of gods as an invitation for them to inhabit them. From Hellenistic Egypt reaching back to Sumer, across the Mediterranean, and in India today, these practices which defy logic have persisted despite the onslaught of modernity and reason. You could visit the Oracle of Hermes with a coin offering, get a message, and the course of your life would get wyrd immediately afterward. Rilke had an interesting experience with this when he visited a statue of Apollo and it spoke to him; “You must change your life,” it said. When true myth rises into consciousness, that is always its message. We must change.

I bring this up because not all of us can speak to statues inhabited by gods. For many of us, we are simply winging it — and for those of us deeply into consulting the sky, studying archetypal patterns for answers, a similar distillation always occurs; though the details may be different, the message, in essence, is the same: we must change our life!.

There is too much fear in the study of astrology. It seems we are always looking for a transit or an aspect in our chart to blame for our circumstances. I find this deeply disturbing. We need to take responsibility for our lives and stop playing the victim. We need to befriend the gods — even the unsavory ones — and promise they all have a seat at our table.

As an example, Mars is planned to square the Nodal Axis tomorrow. These ‘bendings’ present a challenge: to go back or press forward!? When it comes to Mars, issues pertaining to our energy, our drive, our capacity for conflict, our ability to navigate it with grace, and our willingness to deal with a shaky finger on the trigger all emerge. I’ve always seen ‘bendings’ as perennial blooms which remind us of issues left unresolved. With much of the world unable to even listen to another perspective that isn’t their own, it seems we have a setup for a big bloom — or boom!?

It’s never a good idea to speak of the Nodes without the mention of dragons. This square by Mars would be considered a ‘north node bending,” which paints a picture of a potential hero and the head of a dragon. Arthur Pendragon — also known as King Arthur — was considered the “chief dragon.” His father, Uther Pendragon’s name literally translates to ‘Dragon’s Head.’ Arthur has always been a symbol of chivalry, honor, and the power of love. It’s clear: chivalry is no longer in, but honor and love are still worth saving. How then will this eternal battle manifest in us tomorrow? (May 26th; 23')

The square happens at 9:05 pm UK time; Mars at 2º Leo and the Nodes at the same degree in Scorpio/Taurus. Where they fall in our chart will dictate the way in which this perennial tale will manifest. What will it be: Love or hate? Honor or disgrace? Chivalry or sexting without permission?

Remember: When true myth rises into consciousness, the message always leads to: We must change our lives.”

But, but, but…if only there was a statue we could talk to? A better astrologer? Maybe then we wouldn’t have to do the work, right?

  • If you’d like help with this, I’d love to be of assistance. What I can offer is below…



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Adam Sommer
Adam Sommer

Written by Adam Sommer

Dedicated to Kosmos, Mythos, and Psyche. “Great stories are worthy of constellations.” Substack: https://kosmognosis.substack.com/

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