…On Jupiter’s ingress and Mercury’s station in Taurus
On April 20th, as millions gathered in parks to worship a female plant or watch an eclipse, a rocket called the Starship had its first test run. Depending on where you read the news, it was either a success or a complete failure. The goal of the mission is to get to Mars and begin the project of becoming an interplanetary species. SpaceX may need a few miracles, yet there are many who are confident we will see it in our lifetimes. And if we do, we will have to terraform the planet. No simple task, but doable.
The pioneering spirit which drives us to the edges of possibility lives in Aries (ruled by Mars). It’s the sign Jupiter has been ripping through for the past year, and soon will be greeted by a denser atmosphere, one more focused on assessing what we have already, not what we don’t. In the space race subject, Jupiter in Taurus may tilt the debate heavily into cleaning up our home first, before we burn billions searching for the escape hatch. It will also be at the heart of the debt ceiling debate, CBDC’s, and the fate of crypto. Once Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th, we will have nearly 1 entire year (leaves May 24th of 24') to assess what we’ve got and how we are going to build a sustainable future for ourselves. And as the stories ‘out there’ bumble on like heavy stones, inside of us, we could entertain creative ideas of how to utilize the Lord of Thunder to build ourselves up-perhaps, to even terraform our entire psyche.
Being that Mercury remains retrograde in Taurus until the day before Jupiter’s ingress and the world remains upside down, let’s do a thought experiment, shall we? By taking the concept of terraforming, which relates to planet building, let’s apply it to our own psyches. Something like this:
….the first step to terraforming a planet is in altering the atmosphere. Whether it be introducing gases or removing them, the atmosphere must have the desired composition and pressure suitable for supporting life. The air needs to be good. The air is where ideas live and die. An in-depth analysis of our mental atmosphere is thus essential. We must clean our inner skies.
…….we would then need to modify its surface. This may include changing the topography, such as creating or reshaping mountains, valleys, and bodies of water. It could also involve introducing or manipulating the composition of the soil and creating a suitable climate for plant growth. The earthworks. These are modifications needed for our bodies. We all know what must be done. Wake early, eat well, move lots, sit straight, sleep deep, repeat.
…………..generating a sustainable water cycle flows in next. Establishing a water cycle, including the presence of liquid water, is crucial for supporting life. This might involve melting ice caps, redirecting water sources, or introducing water from other sources. In our psyche, this is the deep cavern, the bottom of the sea surrounded by weird fish-kind of emotional work. Water is life; It’s also our felt experience. All must flow. All poisons must be flushed. We must be careful with all libations.
……………….and finally, we would need to adjust the temperature. Controlling the temperature and climate of the target celestial body is essential for creating habitable conditions. This could involve various methods, such as altering the greenhouse effect, managing solar radiation, or establishing a protective magnetosphere. Dealing with the Sun, in other words; Fire! Whether we feel cool or are more of a hot head, calibrating our passion is essential for life to thrive in any of us. The flame must dance, yet remain contained. The words wild and fire must rarely meet.
Jupiter’s time in Taurus could help with this. It will also be a lot of bullshˆt, naturally. Horns will be locked, bulls will be on parade, and we will most likely be in a recession for it. To get the most out of it, we must be honest with what needs to grow and what needs to go.
An initial way of gathering some secrets from the future is to meditate on the past few weeks of Mercury sliding back through Taurus (15º-5º). By gathering stories from past transits, we possess clues for our future. Jupiter will make it all unmissable. No longer can they say the economy is fine, that planets aren’t in danger, or that we don’t have infinite potential within. Such truths will become apparent.
Enjoy the process