The Christ Lightning Prophesy
In 1583, Giordano Bruno predicted an extraordinary event that just came to pass…
He said, “…when Venus conjoins the Sun in the sign of the Ram after the Star of Bethlehem (Great Conjunction) opens the Air triplicity, lightning will strike Christo on that Atlantian island, and the crown of the world will be opened.” This prediction has remained a mystery to theologians and astrologers alike for centuries. That is…until now.
Last Saturday, which was also Passover, lightning struck the crown of Christo Rei here in Madeira. The entire island was without power for hours and by morning a chunk of Christ’s head was missing, and a piece of his hand as well. The energy has been different ever since. I have been doing exhausting research into this Bruno mystery since then, and I have discovered many fascinating theories around it.
One such theory is that the Christo Rei statue in Madeira is considered the crown chakra of the world. The one in Brazil the root, the one in San Francisco the heart, etc, etc. K. Trout wrote an entire book on the subject in which he postulated that if Bruno’s prediction came to pass not only would the crown of the world open, but also in all of its inhabitants, meaning we would have access to celestial energies like never before-yet, we would also be susceptible to their opposites as well: demons!
It’s no mystery that we live in interesting times, but I would have to say things just got a whole lot more interesting. There are reports here in Madeira of multiple stigmata cases and other strange possessions. I read an article this morning about a woman who witnessed two homeless men suddenly disappear while walking her dog. And the dreams I have been having would back up this opening. Many of them have been populated with Christ-like figures displaying various miracles, yet in contrast, I’ve been having just as many nightmares filled with dark forces. I’m starting to believe Bruno’s prediction. I’ve begun to call it the Christ Lightning Prophesy.
Our time has come. Use it wisely my friends. Stay grounded with your head in the stars.
Be safe out there. Feel free to share your insights in the thread below.
LINK to the lightning strike:
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