.: The Solstice Dragon :.
Dragons are symbols of chaos. And chaos is the nature of the universe. Our attempt at creating order out of chaos is the oldest story we have. It’s what we do. Losing this battle is also what we fear most. In the end, we are always forced to surrender.
The European dragon is one to slay, whereas, in most other cultures, there is very little talk about slaying them-I have a hunch they know something we have forgotten. Often they are elemental protectors, living in lakes and streams, mountains and calderas, yet most commonly they are connected to the sky by a bolt of lightning, a strong gust of wet wind, and the eclipsing of both the Sun and Moon. Most cultures know that something like a dragon is what causes eclipses by attempting to eat the Sun and the Moon.
The last time this happened was on June 5th. The dragon went for the Moon and during a wrathful flash flood warning in DC, a bolt of lightning struck that phallic monument called Washington. What does it portend? I think your gut is telling you.
In the America’s, the dragon shape-shifts into a more serpentine form. Still winged, but different. When traveling south into the central regions of America, you encounter Quetzalcoatl “The Feathered Serpent,” the one who was supposed to end the world/or Time back in 2012. Related more to Venus as morning star than anything else, it is this feathered form that also brings art and writing to mankind, along with the wind and rain. There is also Sisiutl, Haitelik, and the one of Serpent Mound in Ohio who stares all year long at the Solstice point, waiting for this moment where the Sun “stands still.”
In Joyce Hargreaves “A little history of Dragons,” she makes zero distinction between dragons and snakes. They are the same to her throughout history and cultures. I would agree. From Smaug to Quetzal, the snake in the garden to the dragons in GOT, they all conjure up the same energies in us: Mysterious Powers.
Eclipses are brimming with mysterious powers. As you probably already know there is one this solstice at zero degrees of Cancer. I’ve seen it called, “The Ring of Fire” The harbinger of End Times; Some Astrologers saying, “It’s the most important moment of our entire lives.”; Many astrophiles are losing their minds over it. So, what do I say about it….?
Well, I just made a sign to place over my door which reads: Dragons welcome!
(thanks for the inspiration Dale)
Eclipses are chaos. Chaos is change. Chaos and change are fundamental laws of the Universe. And so, I say embrace this eclipse. Get to know the Solstice Dragon. You cannot slay it. All you can do is get to know it and learn a few things you really needed to know.
* Two astrological points to be made:
* 1. It’s a North Node eclipse, meaning it relates to novelty. Wherever zero Cancer is in your chart is where the new world will be entering through the naval of the old.
* 2. It’s a few degrees away from an asteroid called Hygeia. She is the daughter of Asclepius and her symbol is the caduceus (I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be the Rod of Asclepius though). Snakes! Dragons! Healing, hygiene, and dream work.
There is a dragon in all of us. The sooner we name it and assist it in its journey up and around our spine, the better off we will be.
Wyrd Solstice to you all. And remember: Fear is the mind-killer!
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